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Newberry and Kimler complete the half-ironman distance at Atomic Man.

Published on 9/27/2009

Scott Newberry and David Kimler traveled to Lenoir City, Tennessee this past Sunday, September 27th to compete in their first half-ironman distance triathlon, the Atomic Man. 


This 1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike and 13.1-mile run course was extremely challenging not only for the distance, but the amount of climbing on both the bike and run.  Scott and David handled the challenges of the course well and Scott was able to put himself into 4th for his age group.


Congratulations on a great race!


Memphis Thunder Racing Finishers: 

 Scott Newberry                                        4th Age Group (35-39)


 David Kimler                              

    13th Age Group (40-44)
