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HomeThunder Cares



"Thunder Cares" is the caring and outreach arm of Memphis Thunder Racing.  For the examples that our founding member Cory Horton left us, our team feels it is important not only to be active through multi-sport, but also to give back.  Including both internal and external activities.

  • 2020, Adopt-A-Highway, Internal Team Member Support, SJ Mile 22 water stop

  • 2019, Adopt-A-Highway, Mid-South Trails, SJ Mile 22 water stop

  • 2018, Adopt-A-Highway, CPR/First Aid for members, Grizzlies Prep Swim team support, SJ Mile 19 Water Stop

  • 2017, Partnered again with Collierville Y at Shilling Farms.  Provided a CPR class and continued to recognize those completing their first sprint, Olympic,  half ironman and full ironman, SJ Mile 19 Water Stop

  • 2016, Partnered with the Collierville Y at Shilling Farms through a 12-week program called Livestrong to support 2 cancer survivors focusing on regaining physical and emotional strength, SJ Mile 19 Water Stop.

  • 2015,  Provided a CPR class to certify members to be prepared if and when an emergency arrives.  Continued to recognize those completing their first sprint, Olympic, half ironman and full ironman, SJ mile 19 water stop.

2013 -On-Going,  Initiated a program to recognize those members who completed their first sprint, Olympic,  half ironman and full ironman, SJ Mile 19 water stop
2012, St Jude Marathon Mile 19 Water Stop


Previous "Racing for a Cause" Recipient Organizations            

2010  & 2011 - Double “B” Boys Ranch
2009 -
Teen Challenge Memphis

2008 - Church Health Center

What has "Thunder Cares" done over the years:            

  • MTR collected $500 in 2011, and raised $1300+ for the Double "B" Boys Ranch through the 2010 Racing for a Cause program.
  • On President's Day, the musical kids of several Thunder members performed a recital at the Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center. Read more about this event here
  • Thunder Cares collected shoes at the annual meeting in January and donated them to a charity organization out of Nashville called Soles4Soles. These shoes are going to Haiti to help those who have been impacted by the earthquake.
  • Thunder Cares raises over $2200 through the 2009 "Racing for a Cause" program for Teen Challenge Memphis!  Read the full story here.
  • Seven Memphis Thunder Racing members joined together to wallow through the mud and filth to put the trash along Reynolds Road in its rightful place. Read the full Story here.
  • Memphis Thunder Racing held a field day with Memphis-area Special Olympic athletes on August 16, 2008. This event was a awesome event for all involved! Read the full story here.
  • "Thunder Cares" was proud to present a check for over $5600 to the Church Health Center on Wednesday, July 16, 2008. These funds where raised by our team by "Racing for a Cause" at the Memphis in May Triahtlon. Read the full story here.

100% of funds raised through our "Racing for a Cause" program will be directly passed on to our charitable recipiant.

For more information, or if you would like to make a donation, pleae contact our Thunder Cares Chairman,

Tom Bramlage, at Thank you for you support!


Memphis Thunder Racing, Inc. has been recognized by the IRS as a non-profit public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code dedicated to helping kids and adults embrace and improve in the sports of swimming, cycling, running, duathlon, and triathlon. Charitable contributions made to Memphis Thunder Racing, Inc.

may be claimed as an itemized deduction on a donor's federal income tax return.