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Jon Vancil completes the famous St. Anthony's Triathlon!

Published on 4/27/2009

Memphis Thunder Racing team member Jon Vancil completed the St. Anthony's Triathlon this past Sunday, April 26th in St. Petersburg, Florida.


The race was set for a 1500-meter swim, a 40k-bike and a 10k-run, but due to rough water conditions, race officials only allowed the pros to complete the swim portion.  The age group athletes did a time trial start into the transition area to grab their bikes and head out onto the course every two seconds.


Jon did a great job with just under 23 mph average on the bike and sub-9 minute run pace to place 92nd in the 45-49 age group with a finish time of 2:03:31.


Way to go Jon!  Thunder is so proud of you.