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Hallett becomes an Ironman at Coeur d'Alene!

Published on 6/22/2009

Memphis Thunder Racing added another member to the Ironman list as Josh Hallett completed the Ford Ironman Coeur d'Alene triathlon this past Sunday, June 21st.  The ironman-distance event consisted of a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike and a 26.2-mile run. 


Just finishing an Ironman is a huge accomplishment, but what makes Josh's journey so interesting is that almost all of his training was completed while stationed in the Middle East while protecting our country as a member of the Armed Forces.


Everyone on Thunder congratulates you on your accomplishment, and gives you our deepest thanks for serving our great country!


Memphis Thunder Racing Finishers:

 Josh Hallett            

                         45th Age Group (35-39)
