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ThunderCares raises over $2200 through "Racing for a Cause".

Published on 6/11/2009
Wednesday morning, June 10th, Doug Ruddle, Suzanne Simmers and Jeff Sanders went to Teen Challenge, attended their chapel service, and presented them with the ThunderCares Racing for a Cause donation.  A check for $2252.73.
It's sometimes difficult to find the inspiration to raise money for an organization with which you may be unfamiliar, but many of you did, and I wanted to say 'thank you!'.  This place is well worth the effort!  They do good work, they do it the right way, and their students have over an 80% success rate of leading productive lives after graduation. 
Teen Challenge will be helping out at several local races this season, including Dragonfly this weekend.  Look for them and say hello.  I think you'll be impressed.
You can all be happy about the work you did in raising money and satisfied that it has gone for a good cause.
Thanks again for all your work.

Jeff Sanders
ThunderCares Committee